Friday, January 29, 2010
38 week doctors appointment
This might be a little TMI for some of you reading, and if so, I appologize, but I have nothing else to do but wait and play on the computer, so I decided to update the blog world on the baby watch. I went in for my 38 week OB appointment today and the doctor checked my cervix again to see if things were progressing. Last week I was 1cm dilated and 60 % effaced and today I was 2cm and 75% effaced, so things are progressing which is exciting (and scary)!!! My doctor asked if I wanted her to strip my membranes to stir things up and of course I let her go for it! She is on-call this weekend and thinks that Lila might come during that time. Of course, I'm still not getting my hopes up for this weekend, because like I said in my previous post, Lila will come whenever God has planned for her arrival! My mom is coming down tomorrow morning instead of February 5th now which will be nice since Josh is working all weekend! I think the fact that I'm even dilated a little made her too nervous to wait since they are a good 6 hours away, being in Atlanta. I'm really hoping that my doctor is right and that this weekend is it, but if not, February is a great month to have a birthday as I'm told from several of my friends and relatives with February birthdays :-) !
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Week 38 devotional
Proverbs 3:5 says, "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding."
This verse is one that I'm constantly going back to over the past few weeks as this pregnancy winds down. Those who know me know that I have an extremely hard time with "going-with-the-flow" and relinquishing control. In my perfect world, God would tell me exactly what time and day we would go into labor so we could have everything ready, we could look presentable, have family on their way, and just be prepared. However, God doesn't work that way! This verse has really helped me realize that this is in His hands and that He has a perfect plan. As hard as it is for me to do, I'm working on keeping my faith in Him and realizing that He has a perfect and beautiful plan for our family!
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Maternity Pictures
Our maternity pictures from Marla Carter are up!!! I was so excited to see the pictures that she took of Josh and me because all of her work is so fabulous! As I knew they would, the pictures turned out so great! Now the hard part is going to be choosing which ones to buy since I want to buy them all!! The link above is the slideshow that Marla put to music for us to see our proofs. You are welcome to take a look if you would like!
I can't believe that the weeks of pregnancy are winding down already! It feels like yesterday when I found out that I was pregnant, I'm glad it wasn't yesterday though! We are very ready for our little girl to be here!
Our maternity pictures from Marla Carter are up!!! I was so excited to see the pictures that she took of Josh and me because all of her work is so fabulous! As I knew they would, the pictures turned out so great! Now the hard part is going to be choosing which ones to buy since I want to buy them all!! The link above is the slideshow that Marla put to music for us to see our proofs. You are welcome to take a look if you would like!
I can't believe that the weeks of pregnancy are winding down already! It feels like yesterday when I found out that I was pregnant, I'm glad it wasn't yesterday though! We are very ready for our little girl to be here!
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Is it time yet???
I have loved (almost) every minute of this pregnancy, and luckily I have had it very easy so far (knock on wood). However, today at the gym was the first time where I have really felt uncomfortable and ready for this baby to be on the outside rather than inside! I swore that I was going to walk and exercise right up until the day that I deliver (which I might still accomplish), but it's getting really hard to stay focused when there is a 6 pound baby bearing down on my bladder and other internal organs! I'm not meaning to sound like Debbie-downer, just thought that I would vent my frustrations with the third trimester!
I can officially say that Josh and I are ready for this baby. We have the hospital bags all packed, car seats installed, maternity pictures taken (I don't know how many dreams that I had that included me delivering before I could get those pictures taken-I'm such a freak, I know!), and now we are just waiting...and waiting...and waiting. Technically, I'm not full-term until Tuesday, so I guess it's best that she holds off until at least then; however, I have a feeling that Lila won't be making her debut until well into February.
Josh finally gets home from work tomorrow morning! It's hard to keep myself entertained for three straight days with just myself and the dog. I've actually done a good job this weekend at keeping myself busy and productive, with minimal DVR and 90210 watching! Off to work on weeks 35 and 36 of Lila's scrapbook!
I can officially say that Josh and I are ready for this baby. We have the hospital bags all packed, car seats installed, maternity pictures taken (I don't know how many dreams that I had that included me delivering before I could get those pictures taken-I'm such a freak, I know!), and now we are just waiting...and waiting...and waiting. Technically, I'm not full-term until Tuesday, so I guess it's best that she holds off until at least then; however, I have a feeling that Lila won't be making her debut until well into February.
Josh finally gets home from work tomorrow morning! It's hard to keep myself entertained for three straight days with just myself and the dog. I've actually done a good job this weekend at keeping myself busy and productive, with minimal DVR and 90210 watching! Off to work on weeks 35 and 36 of Lila's scrapbook!
Friday, January 15, 2010
New at this blog thing
Yesterday, we had Marla Carter, a wonderful photographer in the Destin area come to our house to take maternity pictures. I wasn't so sure about taking these pictures until I saw her work! She is amazing and I can't wait to see how they turn out! Josh was such a good sport, as always, and I love that he got to be in several of the pictures as well! She's going to take Lila's newborn pictures as well and I cannot wait for her arrival! We only have a little over 3 weeks until my due date!
Lila at 28 weeks
Lila at 33 weeks
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