Lila's 2nd costume change of the day involved Georgia bloomers and a bulldog hair bow. She was so hot from being in her poodle costume that I just let her roam around half naked in the house. It was a great football game, but the wrong team one :( !!
Next, we had to get ready for the Moms Club Halloween party. Since it was still pretty hot outside, I decided to have her wear her tennis player costume. She had a great time playing with and chewing on her tennis racket. I have to say, I'm in love with her cute pink tennis shoes also! I know you can't wear black soled shoes on the court, but is there a rule about pink soles??
This morning, I was torn between her Auburn VICTORY dress and her Halloween tutu for her church outfit. I decided that she should wear the Halloween tutu since it's actually Halloween today. These are the things that I think about around here-what to dress Lila in today :)
Happy Halloween Everyone!!