Thursday, April 28, 2011

Lila's First School Pictures

I think it's so funny that my little 14-month old had school pictures, but of course, I was not complaining. I'm such a sucker for pictures (as you know if you read my blog or are my facebook friend!!). The company, Kids in Focus, did such a great job and managed to capture two big smiles and all with the hairbow still in tact! Here are the two pictures that I bought.
Lila Elizabeth Gentry
April 7, 2011
St. Christopher Mother's Day Out

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

28 Weeks *Third Trimester!!*

How far along: 28 weeks today (can't believe we only have roughly 12 more to go!!!)

Size of baby: she weighs about 2.25 pounds and is about 14.8 inches long

Total weight gain/loss: +17 pounds (although by tomorrow it will likely be +22 due to my sweet friend Kim bringing me the most delicious cupcakes for my birthday)

Maternity clothes: a good mixture. The other day my outfit consisted of only non-maternity clothes (I was pretty pumped to still be able to do that at 7 months pregnant!), but most days I'll have at least one maternity item on, either pants/shorts/skirts or a top. I've been wearing really fitted tops lately because all of my loose dresses make me feel even bigger than I already look, but it's also already in the mid-90's here so I think I'll suck it up and pull out the dresses! Anything to make it feel less scorching!

Gender: a GIRL! Allison Neal Gentry

Movement: Yes!! She definitely has more of a pattern than Lila did. I can always feel her moving around 9am and 9pm no matter what I'm doing. Here lately, I feel her more squirming around rather than strong kicks, which is exactly what Lila did. I think I'm due to have two squirmy babies, which will be sure to make airplane rides fun :)

Contractions: I started having Braxton-Hicks contractions at around 18 weeks, which is MUCH earlier than last time, which I hear is completely normal for your second pregnancy. Although they are annoying, it's good that my body is already starting to get ready for labor. I get them a lot when I'm walking on the treadmill or outside for exercise. 

Sleep: I'm actually sleeping really well right now, although every now and then my hip will start hurting and I need to switch to the other side. 

What I miss: everything!! I have wanted wine and champagne much more this pregnancy.  I gave in recently and had half a glass of white wine, but it felt really weird and wrong so I think I'll hold off imbibing until after she is born. I've got a bottle of Cakebread Chardonnay reserve waiting for me in the refrigerator for when we come home from the hospital! I've also wanted sushi (the good, raw kind!) more than last time. 

Cravings: Cheetos, anything sweet (mainly chocolate and cake), and deli sandwiches (yeah I know they're supposed to be a no-no, but I just try to not have them everyday!). Also, Chick-fil-A chicken biscuits and McDonald's sausage and cheese biscuits (I'm getting hungry just typing this). 

Best moment this week: This past weekend was Easter as well as my birthday (on the same day). Easter is one of my absolute favorite holidays, and having Lila made it even better. I love the Easter pastel clothes and the smocked outfits that the kids wear, and it was extra fun dressing Lila up for church and the Easter egg hunt. Next Easter I will have two precious girls to dress up in Easter pastels, and I can't wait!!!

I've also started to get my pjs, delivery gowns, nursing bras, and nursing pads out for the hospital bag. I'm resisting the strong urge to pack for the hospital, knowing full well that I am a nutcase that likes to have everything done WAAAAY too early :) I will make myself wait at least until 30 weeks to pack!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Easter Sunday and My Birthday

Christ the LORD has RISEN today! Hallelujah! 

Praise be to God for this beautiful day to celebrate the Risen Lord! I'm so thankful for His resurrection and it's meaning in my life, and it is such a special day to celebrate my birthday! 
 Lila's Easter basket from the Easter Bunny
 With her favorite things from her basket: the sunglasses and Elmo eggs
 kisses from daddy
 The aftermath of Lila's Easter basket from Grammy and Granddaddy
 Aftermath of Alli's basket from Grammy and Granddaddy
We started the morning off with Lila exploring the Easter baskets that Josh and I (the Easter bunny) put together for her. She loved her new sunglasses and her Elmo Easter eggs the best, but I love the clothes and cute shoes that she got the best! After she went through our basket, Grammy showed her the basket that she brought for the girls. She loved the Sesame Street critters and books that Grammy got for her, and I loved the matching outfits that were in the bags for the girls. It was so much fun watching her explore her baskets and pick her favorite things from each. 
Granddaddy and Lila before church
Family photo before church
We watched her play with her new things for a few minutes before needing to get ready for church. It was such a lovely church service! I love Easter church services, such a great celebration! After church, we went to Cullens for brunch. They had an enormous brunch with three different rooms filled with food. Of course, we all ate too much, but it's my birthday so the calories don't count :) Lila chowed down on a little bit of everything, but the dessert bar was definitely her favorite (she has such a sweet tooth!). 
My dad and brother had to leave once we got back home to catch their flight (but made a stop at the Kemah boardwalk to ride the roller coaster before leaving). It was so nice having them here for Easter and to celebrate my birthday! My mom is staying to visit until Tuesday, so that will be nice to have an extra couple of days with her. 
 Phillip, Dad, and Lila after brunch
 So windy!
After Lila woke up from her long three and a half hour nap, she got to see her new picnic table that her Mamu and Big Pop gave to her for Easter. We put her afternoon snack on the table, and she had such a great time feeling like a big girl while sitting at her very own table. This will really come in handy, and I think she will really enjoy using it! 

mouth full of blueberries
For dinner tonight, Josh stayed with Lila while my mom and I went out to eat. We really weren't very hungry after the huge meal that we ate for lunch, but still managed to eat two slices of pizza each! Good thing there is no doctor's appointment this week or else he would put me on a diet for sure! :) I had such a wonderful birthday and a great Easter with my family!

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Lila's First Easter Egg Hunt

This morning, we went to The Watershed Church's fourth annual Easter Egg hunt and festival which was held down the street from our neighborhood on their new property. They hid 13,000 eggs and had several simultaneous hunts divided by age group. Lila hunted in the 0-2 month age group and did very well. She found her spot once the hunt started and put the five eggs that were around her spot into her basket, sat down, and played with her eggs that she had found for the remainder of the egg hunt. She was so proud of the eggs that she had found, and Josh did a great job leading her out to the field and helping her keep the eggs in her basket.
 Granddaddy and Lila before going to the Easter Egg hunt
 Family picture
 Grammy and Granddaddy with Lila boo before the hunt
 Daddy showing Lila what to do
 Getting some eggs
 So proud of her eggs that she found
After the hunt, she and her friend Karsyn played with their eggs and baskets while we watched them. They are just the cutest things ever! Below are some pictures and videos of them playing together after their first Easter Egg hunt.
What's in your basket?
 Here, taste it!

They also had a petting zoo, firetruck, and several other activities for the kids to enjoy. Lila spent a few minutes in the petting zoo and loved petting the adorable bunnies. She wasn't too sure about the mini-horse or donkey that they had, but she eventually warmed up to them. I'm so glad that she enjoyed her first Easter Egg hunt because there will be many more for years to come! Maybe next year, she can show her sister how to hunt the eggs like a pro!
petting the bunnies
Petting the mini-horse with daddy
Family photo attempts with a very wiggly and sleepy Lila

I hope everyone has a very happy Easter tomorrow!

Good Friday and a trip to Space Center Houston

"Jesus said to her, 'I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies; and whoever lives and believes in me will never die.'"- John 11:25-26
"Who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree, that we, being dead to sins, should live unto righteousness: by whose stripes ye were healed."
- I Peter, 11:24

I love Easter and reflecting on the amazing thing that Jesus did for us! Yesterday was Good Friday and a day of reflection and anticipation for the Christ to fulfill the prophesies and rise from the grave . This day was a day of great suffering for Him who was sent to save us from our sins. It is incomprehensible for me to think that someone could love us that much that he would allow himself to be tortured, hung on a cross, and be publicly humiliated all for me! Thank you Jesus for freeing us from sin and giving us ever lasting life through You!

On a much less heavy note, my family is in town (minus my sister-we miss you Kimberly!), and they wanted to visit Space Center Houston (when in Rome, huh?!?). So, we all piled into the car and ventured the 10 minutes to Space Center to be Houston tourists for the day. It was a beautiful day outside, and we enjoyed the great weather on the tram tour that took us to the current Mission Control as well as another stop that housed a gigantic rocket. Lila loved walking through the warehouse that housed the rocket. She pointed at each astronaut on the poster that was alongside the wall and spoke to each one. I have no idea what she was saying to them, but she sure thought it was important.
 Lila reading with Uncle Phillip before heading to Space Center
 talking to the astronauts
 daddy and Lila checking out the informational wall
 checking out the big rocket
When we got home, we decided to practice for the Easter Egg hunt on Saturday by placing a few plastic eggs in the grass in the backyard and having her pick them up and put her in her basket. She really enjoyed getting a few eggs in her basket and then playing with the few that she picked up. She definitely was thinking quality, not quantity!
 Grammy showing Lila how to pick up the eggs and put them into her basket
 playing with her eggs with Chevy


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