Friday, November 30, 2012

Post Thanksgiving Lunch Aquarium Visit

After lunch, we took the girls to the aquarium at Moody Gardens to run around and look at the fish. They had such a great time, and I'm pretty sure they enjoyed putting the shark stamps on each other the best.  The little ones hung in there right with the older ones, and I think everyone took a fabulous nap that afternoon too. It was such a fun Thanksgiving day!

Monday, November 26, 2012

Thanksgiving Lunch

Our third annual Braselton/Gentry Thanksgiving lunch took place at the Garden Restaurant at Moody Gardens in Galveston this year. I love our tradition, and it's always so special when we all can get together. Lila and Karsyn got to sit in big girl chairs this year, and they had a great time having one side of the table to themselves. They were very well-behaved and had so much fun being silly with each other. Alli and Chandler were so good also, and they munched on some pasta, chicken fingers, and bread while the adults were able to catch up on some good conversation.
After lunch, the guys wanted to watch the Texans game, so we made them take the girls out to the waiting area to run around while they watched the game. Ashley and I waited on the checks in peace and got some more conversation in, which is always nice. We had a great time, and can't wait to do it again next year!


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