This week was a super busy one!!! We were originally just coming to Atlanta for our good friends Jaime and Zach Richardson's wedding this past Saturday the 13th. However, Josh had to go to a 5-day training school in Yorktown, Virginia this Monday thru Friday, and he was flying out of Atlanta, so I decided to stay at my parent's house while he was there at school. He flew back into Atlanta on Saturday, and we drove back to Florida on Sunday. The timing of his training was perfect, especially so that I didn't have to be at home in Niceville by myself while Josh was at school. Plus, my mom and dad were beyond thrilled to have Lila at home with them for a whole week!!!! Here's how our crazy week went:
Friday: Drove up from Florida which was Lila's first roadtrip. She did exactly how I knew she would and slept 4 hours straight which got us to Columbus before we stopped to feed her and change her. Then she went right back to sleep for the remaining 2 1/2 hours to my parents house in Suwanee. My mom cooked dinner for us (which is a rare fete for her-haha sorry mom!), which was nice to relax and not have to get in the car again to drive to dinner.
Saturday: Josh wanted a seersucker (spelling?) suit for his birthday so he went shopping with two of his college friends that were in town for the same wedding for the afternoon while my sister, my mom, Lila, and I went to lunch up at the clubhouse in my parent's neighborhood. My sister really enjoyed getting to see Lila again! Later that afternoon my mom's parents-Lila's great-grandparents, and her great-aunt Carol Anne (Aunt Boo) came over to hold Lila for a long time while Josh and I got ready for Jaime's wedding. The wedding was at the King Plow Arts Center in Atlanta and it was absolutely gorgeous! She was beautiful as always!!! It was great to spend time with my high school friends as well as Josh's fraternity brothers from University of Alabama! This was Lila's first wedding and the first time meeting many of our friends. She did really well, and left with my parents at the beginning of the reception so that Josh and I could dance and enjoy ourselves a little more :-)
Sunday: We were really planning on going to church, but with the time change and getting home later from the wedding, we decided sleep was a higher priority (though I'm a bit ashamed to admit that). Did I mention that our church is 45 minutes away from my parents house here? Does that make it a little better??? probably not, oh well! That afternoon we went over to Josh's grand-parents house so that they could meet Lila for the first time. Her mamu and big pop (Josh's parents) were there also as well as her great-aunt Marianne and her second cousins, Taylor and Liam. It was a good visit, and then I had to take Josh to the airport to leave us for 5 whole days! This was the longest he's ever gone without seeing Lila, and he really missed her!!!
Monday: Lila got to meet her other great-grandmother (my dad's mom) this day. We went to her house and she held her for about 2 hours. Lila was so good for her, and it made my grandmother's year to be able to hold her great-grandbaby!
Tuesday: We had a relaxing morning at home, and that afternoon Mamu came over to visit with Lila again. She held Lila for about two hours, and Lila slept the whole time! That evening my mom's parents came back over to visit with Lila again.
Wednesday: I got to go to my first post-pardom Jazzercise class with my instructor-friend Amie Bryans, who was my mentor that helped me get certified! It was a St.Patty's Day themed class, and everyone wore green. It was so much fun to be back in class and to see Amie! My sister came over that afternoon again to see Lila. She does business up near Suwanee, so she passed by whenever she was in the area. That night we took Lila to Bonefish Grill, which was amazing as usual and shopped at Babys R' Us. We went in there for one thing (a cradle swing for our house in Florida because she LOVED the one my mom had for her in Atlanta), but of course we came out with WAY too much stuff! It's so much fun to look at and buy baby things!
Thursday: Lila and I went on a long walk in the neighborhood. It was a beautiful day, and the hills in Georgia give you a great workout! It's so much harder to push a stroller around this neighborhood than our flat neighborhood in Florida! We walked down the the tennis courts to watch my mom's match and to visit with the ladies in the neighborhood. It was so good to see them, and they enjoyed meeting Lila. That night my mom and I had dinner at the club house with friends in the neighborhood. One of the friends is around my age and is expecting a baby boy in April! It was so much fun to talk about babies and I can't wait to meet her little guy!!!
Friday: I went to Amy Showfety's Jazzercise class at the Atlanta Athletic Club that morning and my mom brought Lila up there right as class was ending so that she could meet Amy. Lila even got to watch us Jazzercise for about 10 minutes, and I wonder if she could remember any of the music from when I taught class when I was pregnant for so long?!? Then we went over to the main house at the club to show Lila to Kim and Lindsay, who planned Josh and my wedding in July 2008. They loved seeing her! After that, we went over to the tennis center to show Lila to my old coach who I've been playing with since I was 6 years old (20 years!). She also got to meet one of the other pros that I played with when I was a kid there. After our Athletic Club visit, Lila and my mom and I went over to my sister and dad's shopping center in Cumming, the Midway Family Festival, to have her picture made with one of the photographers that leased space from my sister in the center. Lila was fussing when we got there, but once she saw the camera, she started cooperating. She LOVES having her picture made! Not that I've made her take many pictures :-) That night we thought that Josh was flying back, but his plane had a mechanical problem so they cancelled the flight. We were so upset, but we got to see him early the next morning! Since Josh wasn't coming in tonight, Lila and I went to dinner with my parents, my brother, my sister and her boyfriend at my favorite restaurant, J. Alexanders at the Forum. It was a lot of fun getting to spend time with my brother before he headed back to Ole Miss.
Saturday: Lila and I picked Josh up at the Atlanta airport at 9 a.m. and we were so happy to see him! He really missed her (and me of course), but this was the longest he'd gone without seeing his baby girl! We got back to my parent's house and took a nap, but the weather was beautiful, so we got ready and went to shop and walk around the Forum. We went back to my parent's house and got my dog and went for another walk with him around the neighborhood. My grandparents were there when we got back because they wanted to see Lila one last time before we left to come back to Florida. That night, my aunt Boo came over with an orange cake for Josh and visited with Lila one last time as well. We all went to bed pretty early to get up and pack to come back home.
Sunday: We slept in until 10 because our busy week finally caught up to us! My mom made us breakfast/brunch while my dad helped us pack the car. My parents really didn't want us (really just Lila) to go. It was sad to leave everyone, but it is so nice to be back in our own house!
We had such a great time visiting family and friends in Atlanta, but I'm so glad to be back to our little house in Florida-just in time to put it on the market! Anyone looking for a 3 bedroom house in Niceville?!?! :-)
Here are some pictures from the week:
Lila's first wedding
Dad holding Lila before the wedding started
Some of my high school friends at Jaime's wedding
Lila was worn out after the wedding
Being so sweet in her lamb swing
She was not too happy after she had to get out of her warm bath
"That's a little better, but I'm still cold!"
Her first 3-month outfit that fits. She's growing way too fast!!!
She loves to stick out that tongue!
I came across your blog the other day. Your family is so cute! Congratulations:)