For we are God's masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.
Ephesians 2:10
This was the verse used as the basis for the sermon today in church, and it really spoke to me. Josh and I moved to Texas about three weeks ago and have been struggling to find a church home. We came from an AWESOME church, Niceville United Methodist, and it has been really hard finding something that even remotely compares to it. The first two churches we attended were very small and didn't have many young people our age. And sadly, Josh had to work this morning, so I had to attend church, League City United Methodist, this morning alone, which I don't mind doing. It's just that I really enjoyed this church, and I wish that Josh was able to worship with me here this morning.
We had driven by this church when we first moved to the area, and it looked really old so we were hesitant to try it (I know that's ridiculous, but we're products of the mega-church generation). Anyways, I decided to try it this morning, and I'm so glad I did.
The pastor is a young guy, probably in his 40's, and is full of energy! He just got there in June, so he is new to the rest of the congregation as well, and everyone really seems to like him. But, going back to the verse at the top, the first phrase, "For we are God's masterpiece," spoke to me in two different ways. First, because I was putting all of the pictures that we took of Lila in the hospital when she was born in an album yesterday. I was reminiscing of her birth and what a wonderful experience and blessing that day was. Every time I look at her I am amazed at how awesome God is and how He can create such perfect humans in His image. She truly is a masterpiece, as we all are! The second way it spoke to me was also the central them in the pastor's message today: none of us are perfect, and none of us see ourselves as perfect. But, "God doesn't make junk!" Of course there are many things about ourselves that we want to change, but we need not compare ourselves to others. We ,instead, should compare ourselves to God. Magazines (I do love my US Weekly, People, and In Touch) and television create a "perfect" image that many people strive to be, which in reality, God wants us to look more like him (by the things we do, not in our physical appearance), not an actor or actress on the screen or in a magazine! We are His masterpieces, and we should aim to be closer like Him by doing good deeds and serving Him as He has mapped out for us.
Love yourselves, for you are God's masterpiece! And remember, God doesn't make junk! :-) Have a great Sunday!
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