Wednesday, March 6, 2013

A Baby Girl?!?

Of course, we won't know for sure for another 4 WEEKS!! (seems like an eternity), but the ultrasound tech seemed to think with a 75-80% certainty that it is a baby girl that is growing in there. This doesn't surprise me one bit considering Josh and I both suspect that he only has x swimmers hehe.  Nevertheless, we will be excited for whatever God has blessed us with, and I am thrilled that he/she looks perfect so far on the ultrasound.

I have many ideas floating around in my head for baby girl's nursery, and even though I swore that we'd use the same bedding that Lila had with the same color walls that are already in Alli's room, I want this baby to have a special, unique nursery too, so we'll be painting again (sorry Josh!). Our April 4th scan can't come soon enough, but until then, here are the pics of our little babe at 11 weeks 6 days (measuring 12 weeks 2 days).

he/she was sucking it's thumb for the majority of the time

head shot with his/her hands in his/her mouth

another head shot


  1. Congrats! I have a family friend, who had just three girls, with her husband. Her husband loves being a dad to his girls. I did ask him if he ever felt a bit sad that he didn't have a son; he replied that he did have that pang of sadness, and it passes so quickly because he looks at his girls and falls in love with them all over again.:) I thought that was sweet.

  2. Sweet peanut! I know y'all will be thrilled with a boy or a girl. And you do make precious girls!!



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