Here's what you've been up to this month:
*You weigh 21.2 pounds and are exactly 28 inches tall (I finally hung your growth chart so that I can know how tall you are.

*You are walking/running all over the place. You love to walk with something in your hand, mostly your milk cup.
*You drink four huge cups of whole milk a day in your sippy cups, and we go through a half a gallon in between 2-5 days!

*However, you aren't a huge fan of meat, and we're trying to work to get you to eat more protein. You do love the Gerber meat sticks though (yuck!).

*You are still sleeping 12 hours a night, and we pushed your bedtime back until 8pm so that you sleep a little later in the morning!
*You still take 2 naps a day when we are home in the morning (rare), but if we aren't, you only get one long nap in at around 1-2 and sleep until between 3-5 depending on how tired you are.

*You are saying a lot these days, but most of it is jibberish (I SO wish that I knew what you were trying to say!!!). You can say "doggy", "night-night", "bye-bye", "hi", "mama", "dada"-still your favorite, "uh-oh", "good morning"-although it mainly sounds like "goo goo goo" right now :)

*We moved you to your big girl car seat this past month. You were about to exceed the weight limit (22 pounds). You don't seem to mind or notice the difference.

*We took you to pick strawberries, and you had so much fun picking them and shoving them into your mouth so fast! We also took you to the bluebonnet patch to let you walk around in the beautiful flowers. You had a great time touching the pretty flowers and feeling the breeze on your face. You love being outside!
*Even though you have a nice, big playroom, you carry your toys all over the house and drop them in random places. You think the whole house is your playroom, and I'm okay with that.
You have seemed to grow up a ton this past month, and I'm sure you will continue to grow even faster in the next few months/years! We love you, Lila!
Lila is so stinkin cute!! I love all of the pictures!!!