This was such a big grow-up month for you sweet girl. You took to being a big sister much better than I thought you would, and you really love giving Alli lots and lots of kisses. I hope that you two grow up to be such good friends! You also look so much bigger to us now that Alli is here. You have also learned so many new things this month and act so much more grown up all of a sudden. Happy 18 Month Birthday Lila!
*You weigh 24.4 pounds and are about 30 3/4 inches tall.*You are wearing mostly 18 month sizes, although there are still a few 12 month dresses that you can still wear.
*You are still wearing size 4 diapers as you have been for the past several months. I think it will be a little while longer before you're in 5's.
*You think your new potty is a fun toy. I'm not sure how we'll switch this thinking when it's time to potty-train!

*You are so silly and love to dance and run around the house.
*You are getting really hard to take pictures of now! We tried to get pictures of our family when Alli was born and you did NOT want to sit still with us. I think you were a bit jealous that you weren't the center of attention though.
*Because you love to be so mobile now, you are becoming

*You LOVE to swim. We've been going to our neighborhood pool quite a bit since it's now open everyday. You are also loving to play in your water table.
* You still love pitching fits. I don't see that getting any better for at least 5 or so years (maybe never). Any little thing can set you off. You bow your back and then flop face forward on the floor. It's really funny to watch, but we just have to try and ignore you when you act out.

*You still drink four huge cups of whole milk a day in your sippy cups, and we go through a half a gallon in between 2-5 days! You are starting to like apple juice more and you'll drink a little water here and there also as long as it's cold.
* Your new favorite cups are Sesame Street cups with straws. You love pointing to the characters on them and making their sounds.

*You usually eat a big breakfast and very small lunch and dinner. I'm okay with it as long as you get at least one good meal in.
*You are getting better about eating meat. You have recently taken to Chick-Fil-A chicken strips (who can blame you!?).
*You are still sleeping 12 hours a night. You will also play in your crib for about an hour after waking up, which makes it nice for us so we can get a little extra sleep.

*You have been doing a great job at your gymnastics class. Even though the class technically doesn't start until 18 months, you are hanging in there really well with the other kids. You can do a forward roll, backflip, handstand, walk on a balance beam, and jump on the trampoline (with mommy or the teacher's help). You have learned to tuck your head so well on your forward rolls this past month.
*You have 12 teeth now. No new teeth came in this month, thank goodness!! I'm hoping that we have some more time before teething takes over again.
*You talk ALL THE TIME, but don't really say many "real" words (I SO wish that I knew what you were trying to say!!!). You can say "doggy", "ball", "night-night", "bye-bye", "hi", "mama", "dada"-still your favorite, "uh-oh","shoe", "milk"(which you only pronounce the last sound /k/), "shoes", "juice", "Pop", "love you", "good morning"-although it mainly sounds like "goo goo goo" right now :) We're working on "book", but you look at me like I'm crazy when I tell you what those are and you reply with you own made up (Chinese sounding) language.

*You also love to say "no" "stop" and "don't" whenever someone has a toy that you want, or if I am trying to do something that you don't want me to do (like putting a bow in your hair). You are having a hard time sharing right now, but we are working on that. You can be such a little stinker and are VERY strong-willed!!!
*You love to read, sing, and dance. You dance to any kind of music, but you especially love your Barney and Sesame Street songs.
*You absolutely LOVE to dance the Hot Dog Dance with Mickey at the end of the show and will come running from whatever room you are in when you hear it start to play.
*You celebrated your second Fourth of July by walking in the Teddy Bear Parade in downtown League City. You won first place for your stroller decorations.
*You are learning the hand motions to "itsy-bitsy spider," "The wheels on the bus", "the hokey pokey," and "mr. sun," but you still love "if you're happy and you know it." You sing along to the songs on your Barney dvd now, and it sounds so precious! You also love to sing the ABC's.
*Your hair is finally long enough to pull back in a pony tail. I'm so excited for this since you hardly keep your bows in your hair anymore!
*You have the most contagious laugh and love to do it often. You will even fake a laugh for us when we laugh at you (trying to get you to laugh-not because we love to laugh at you). Chevy makes you laugh often whenever he chases his tail, sticks his tongue out, or is trapped outside or behind a gate. You also think Alli is so funny when she touches your face or tries to suck on your nose.*You love to play with shoes. It doesn't matter who they belong to, you will be entertained for hours by moving them and carrying them around where you are.
*You wish that you still fit in your baby swing and love to push Alli when she is in it. We have to watch you carefully though because you push her as high as you can most of the time.
*You really love your baby sister. Every time that she is around you, you have to give her a kiss. You also think it's so funny to watch her nurse. You love to touch her nose and try to poke her in the eye. You are starting to learn to be gentle though.
They are so adorable together! Such a great big sister!