Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Our Morning in Pictures

This morning was the first time I've taken Lila to gymnastics class with Alli in tow, and I have to say that it went pretty well. We did leave about 5 minutes early because Alli woke up and was ready to eat, so it was easier to just head home instead of trying to feed her there while keeping Lila with the rest of her class.  When we got home, Lila got her favorite bunny out of her room and carried it around all over the house while playing with her other toys. So far it's going well at home with the babies by myself, but I am definitely ready for Josh to be home on Thursday! It's pretty tiring with these two, and the only time I have to sit down is when I nurse Alli, but I wouldn't trade my days with these girls for anything!

so tired after our trip to gymnastics class
Poor Chevy is still trying to get used to all the new excitement around here

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