Sunday, December 4, 2011


Blessed are the peacemakers,

for they will be called children of God. – Matthew 5:9

Today in church, we lit the Peace candle. I love how this website states the importance of peace, not just now, but always. "Peace on Earth starts with us, with our attitudes towards others. Our words convey the attitudes of our hearts and create either a culture of peace or a culture of hate within our homes." Our Pastor, during the children's sermon today, touched on how the children can help make their homes more peaceful. Of course, children can do this by being nice to their brother or sister or by obeying their parents, but the same lesson can be used as adults in the home, as well as on a larger, more global scale. I ask myself today, "how can I make my home, community, and world more peaceful?" Of course, I may not be able to have a huge impact on peace within the world, but I can have quite an important impact on my community, and even more so, my home.  By loving others as ourselves and providing help where there is a need, we can begin to spread peace during this holiday season as well as throughout the rest of the year.

(image taken from

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